Thursday, April 7, 2016

Updating the Dining Room- One Room Challenge

After taking a break from blogging for several months I have decided to participate in the One Room Challenge at Calling It Home. The challenge is to complete a one room project in six weeks and post progress reports online. I will be redecorating our formal dining room. dining room before 1

There is nothing wrong with the room, I am just ready for a change after 29 years! All of the furniture will stay and the rug is staying for now but may be changed later.

dining room before chair seats

I will be changing the brass chandelier and I will be changing the chair seats.

dining room before window treatments

The window treatments will also be changed.

dining room brass chandelier

The first thing to go will be the wallpaper from the Victoria and Albert collection and the yellow Sugar Cookie paint color.

inspiration fabric 1

My inspiration for the room is this fabric. It is the Malawi pattern by P Kaufmann in the Hibiscus colorway. The tree branches blend well with the new foyer wallpaper.

inspiration fabric 2

The colors also blend well with the settee in the foyer. I am excited to get started and hope you will follow along. Be sure to click over to Calling It Home to see lots of other great projects.

You can click on the photo below if you would like to see how I updated the foyer last year.

foyer reflections

I am also linking to Thoughts of Home on Thursday at Decor to Adore and at Poofing the Pillows and to Grace at Home at Imparting Grace. I always enjoy browsing around at these linky parties and I’m sure you will too.

Have a great week!

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  1. Pat,

    Thank you for stopping by my blog.

    How exciting to re-decorate your dining room. I especially like your fabric choice. Will you be covering the chairs in the hibiscus color also?

    Have a blessed week,

  2. I love that gorgeous fabric and can imagine how colorful and chic your new dining room will be! Can't wait to see the transformation!

  3. Your dining room is absolutely stunning! I love it. I can't imagine how it will look once you change it, but will look forward to seeing what you do with it.

  4. Love the combination of colors in your inspiration fabric! I think your new dining room is going to turn out beautiful. Popping in from Thoughts of Home on Thursday. :)

  5. The fabric that you have chosen is perfect, in fact I am drooling over it. Looking forward to seeing the finished project!
    Thank you for sharing your time and talents with us at Thoughts Of Home On Thursday!

  6. Pat I am so happy to see you back!!! This room is going to be gorgeous. Your post is such a happy addition to Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Thank you SO much for sharing the joy.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Such beautiful, classic furniture! So glad you are keeping it and no chalk paint is involved. The fabric is beautiful and I especially love it with pink. Stunning!

  8. Yay! I'm so glad you're doing this again!! I loved following along with your progress in the foyer. I need to check out that challenge--there are plenty of rooms in my house for which I could really use some extra incentive to work on!

    Your new fabric is gorgeous, and I know you will do beautiful things with it. You have mad skills, that's for sure! Have fun!


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