Monday, April 21, 2014

Biking Through the Flower Fields of Holland

It has been a while since I have posted so I have a bit of catching up to do.  I have been busy on several non “blog-worthy” projects but I do have some fresh material to share so I hope to get more posts up soon.  One of my latest projects was a trip to Europe with my daughter. I’ll give more details later but today I am sharing our bike ride through the flower fields of Holland. It was a 10 mile ride and we were in awe at every turn we made. The weather was very overcast and quite chilly, hence the heavy coats in the photos. Thankfully, the land was all very flat so we had no hills to climb but the wind presented a bit of a challenge. We can’t imagine how beautiful it would be on a sunny day because we were swept away on an overcast day. This is a heavy photo post so I will let the pictures do most of the talking.

holland flower fields 1

Holland golf course

The area on top of this hill was a part of a golf course! Can you imagine playing golf through the flower fields? Many of the photos are not the best quality because they were taken while I was riding a bike so that I wouldn’t have to keep stopping!

holland flower fields 2

holland flower fields 3

holland flower fields 4

I loved this beautiful home. It had the canal in front and was surrounded by flower fields in the back!

Holland Flower Fields 5

Holland Flower Fields 6

Holland Flower Fields 7

Holland Flower Fields 8

Holland Flower Fields 9

Holland FLower fields 10

Holland Flower Fields 11

Holland Flower Fields 12

Holland Flower Fields 13

My daughter made a video of the highlights of our trip using a GoPro camera and added music. You can click here to watch it.  I’ll be back soon with more info and photos from the trip.

I hope that you celebrated a wonderful Easter as I did and that you are having a great spring!

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I’ll be linking to The Scoop at Worthing Court and to Grace at Home at Imparting Grace.  Click the link for lots of inspiration!

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