Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Spring Thyme Style Blog Hop Week 2

Welcome to week two of the Spring Thyme Style blog hop. If you are visiting from one of my blog friends, I am so glad you’re here. I hope that you will click the links at the bottom of the post to visit everyone on the “hop.” Special thanks to Tamyra at Positively Southern for organizing the tour.

Speaking of hop, I am sharing a “Hoppy Spring Table” today. I have quite a collection of rabbits and they hop all over our house in the spring!

spring table hop 1

I set the table in the sunroom where all of my orchids are blooming.

spring table hop 2

spring table hop 3

I kept it simple using a single orchid for the centerpiece. The plates are inexpensive metal picnic plates that I purchased in Paris. I’ve had the cranberry glasses for several years and love using them and the flatware is part of my ever growing collection of vintage silver plate.

spring table hop 4

The little green tea cups that are holding eggs are special treasures. My grandfather sent them to my grandmother when he was serving in the Pacific in World War II.

spring table hop 5

The pink flower in the corner of the picture above is a geranium that my mother gave me for Mother’s Day in 2015. I just deadheaded it before taking this picture. It blooms like crazy in this warm, sunny spot and it is still in the same pot that it came in.

spring table hop 6

spring table plate 1

collectible egg 2

spring table plate 2

pewter rabbits

I received this pewter salt and pepper set as a Christmas gift this past year. They are so cute!

spring table plate 3

collectibe egg 1

spring table plate 4

tea cart of orchids

The big orchid in the floor on the left is just getting ready to bloom. I have had that one for at least 18 years. I bought it on a trip to Hawaii but I can’t remember which trip I bought in on! All of my other orchids are blooming except for one.

mantel orchids

Other rabbits are hopping around the room.

mini rabbit

The small rabbit above sits at the base of a lamp and yes, that’s a rabbit tray too.

terra cotta rabbit

This terra cotta rabbit is about two feet tall and he sits at the base of my giant Norfolk Island Pine tree.

carved rabbit 1carved rabbit 2

The two carved wooden rabbits above sit on the bookcases in the den.

foyer reflections

The rabbit on the chest in the foyer is one of my favorites.

rabbit tureen

This rabbit tureen is another of my favorites. I’m telling you, rabbits do multiply quickly!

rabbit painting

The last one is painted on a wood tray and it was also a gift several years ago. I know that’s a lot of rabbits but they are spread out so as not to be overwhelming.

I hope that you are having some nice spring weather this week. Now hop on over to the other blogs for more spring inspiration.

a signature

Clutter Cafe

Viva La Vintage for Your Home

Swirls of Flavor

Confetti Style

Positively Southern

Totally Tailgates

M Jones Style

Linda G Loving Home

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Spring Thyme Style Blog Hop

Today I am excited to be participating in a spring blog hop with 9 of my blogging friends. You will find links to their posts at the bottom of this one. If you are here from Totally Tailgates, welcome, and please take time to look around.

I’m sharing a couple of spring vignettes in my home. I have quite a collection of rabbits that stay out most of the year except for Christmas but I add a few more for spring.

rabbit topiary

One of my favorites is this rabbit topiary. I’ve had it for years and love bringing it out for spring. I usually put it in this urn on the den coffee table and add some live pansies.

spring vignette 4

Seeing it on the coffee table puts a smile on my face.

spring vignette 7

Another favorite spring thing is this little basket of Belgian chocolate egg molds that I purchased at Scott’s. I’m heading back to Belgium in a few weeks and hope to find more to add to my collection.

spring vignette 9

The spring looking floral fabric on my sofas helps remind me that spring is coming during the cold days of winter.

Foyer Easter Basket

I like to use a seasonal plant or floral arrangement in the foyer but for now I have a silver bride’s basket of Easter eggs that I have collected over the years.

Easter Egg collection in foyer basket

The egg collection includes some big dyed goose eggs that I’ve had for years. It also contains some other handpainted eggs and some ceramic eggs that I made when I was in college many years ago.

1-Share Your (4)Spring blog hop

Lisa is up next at Clutter Cafe with a recipe for Cheese Babka, a Polish Easter bread. Be sure to click the links to see what all the girls are sharing and come back next week for part 2!

Have a great first week of spring!

a signature

Viva La Vintage For Your Home

Swirls of Flavor

Confetti Style

M Jones Style

Positively Southern

Linda G Loving Home

Plum Doodles

Totally Tailgates

Life At Lydias House

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