Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Vignette

Years ago I decorated for a holiday almost every month but as my children have gotten older I now do well to change a few things around each season.  If I get it done it’s good and if I don’t get to it, that’s OK too. This year I was able to get something together for spring.

spring vignette 4

We have a large coffee table in our den so that we can prop our feet up! My family doesn’t cooperate with unrealistic styling so the “lived in” look is for real. The wooden box and the urn are almost always on the table. The topiary rabbit and small basket have been added for spring.

spring vignette 5

The remote should be in the wooden box but rarely finds its way there and the photographer failed to put it there before the photo shoot. The box also holds pens and notepads and other coffee table clutter.

rabbit topiary

I debated between this faux moss covered rabbit and a topiary rabbit but decided on this one thinking that it would last longer. I purchased it at Scott’s Antiques earlier this month.

spring vignette 8

The basket is holding vintage chocolate molds for Easter eggs. If you look closely, you can see the Man in the Moon on one on the left side.  I also purchased these at Scott’s and the dealer told me that she purchased these at an outdoor market in Belgium. Lucky her! Sounds like my kind of place!

spring vignette 3

The pansies are awfully droopy but hopefully will perk up again and last a few more weeks!

Now if we can just have some WARM spring weather!

I’ll be linking to Table Top Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life. Click the link to see lots of inspiration.

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

New Life for an Old Chair

I have several projects in process but I have managed to check a few off my long list. My project for last week was giving a makeover to an old chair. My sweet friend has asked me to help her prepare a nursery. She wanted an upholstered chair which rocks and swivels. We had been on the lookout for an affordable candidate. I happened to be in a thrift store one day when I spotted 4 possible candidates so I sent her a text to go there after work. She went and was able to purchase one at a very reasonable price. I gave her some fabric samples to show her the appropriate weight of fabric that she needed and she purchased a nice denim weight fabric for the chair. Because she chose stripes, it took a little more fabric than it would for a pattern that would not require a match in the upholstery.


Let me show you what we started with. Step into my studio garage.


Mauve upholstery velvet in all of her glory. A little worn but in very good shape. I won’t bore you with the details of the upholstery process but I did strip it down to the bare frame which was in excellent condition. My friend chose to leave off the tufting on the re-do.


It turned out very well. Of course I forgot to take my camera when I delivered it to its new home. I hope to get pictures there since it coordinates with the room better than it does here in my den.


It is my understanding that this chair has already been approved by grandmother as she spent a little time rocking and praying for her future grandchild! How precious is that! Thanks NP for letting me come alongside you on this journey!

I hope that you have a great week as we prepare for Easter!

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I’ll be sharing with Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch and with Wow us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fun in Philadelphia

It has been several weeks since I have posted because I have been traveling. I spent 3 of the last 4 weeks traveling, then had to take time to catch up on my homekeeping duties (laundry, bills, and other fun stuff!!) One of the places that I traveled to was Philadelphia. I had not been there before. I went with my daughter to attend a conference and we had a little time to do just a little bit of sightseeing. Philadelphia is a beautiful city. We have found that taking a tour gives us a lot of info in a short amount of time whenever we are on a tight schedule. We opted for the Big Bus tour as we have in other cities. It was FREEZING cold, 28 degrees, so our tour was in a heated trolley instead of an open top bus! We didn’t do a lot of hopping on and off nor did we do as much touring by foot like we usually do but we had a great time never the less. We were told on the tour that Philadelphia has more outdoor sculptures that any other city in the US.

city hall at night

We stayed downtown just one block from the magnificent City Hall which is in the center of town! I love buildings and architecture and this City Hall is one of the most magnificent buildings I have ever seen!

city hall 5

A 30 foot statue of William Penn stands at the top!

city hall 7

The statues and carvings around all of the windows and doors is just unbelievable!

city hall 8

city hall 9

city hall 10

city hall 11

city hall 12

city hall 14

Look at the little fellow on top of the pediment above! I would love to know the stories behind all of these figures!

Of course we also visited the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. The city is so historic!

Liberty Bell

Independence Hall


I am so thankful that these historic sights have been preserved. The conference that we attended was in the convention center which was being prepared for the Philadelphia Flower Show the following week!  It would have really been wonderful if we could have taken that in at the same time! Any time we visit a new city, I always purchase a travel book to read ahead of time so I’ll know what we just can’t miss! I am so glad that I read about Philadelphia or I would have missed a treat! I read that Macy’s in Philadelphia is the home of a wonderful pipe organ. Somehow I underestimated the grandeur of the organ! It has 28,842 pipes and is quite magnificent. It was built for the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis before being purchased and transported to Philadelphia. It has been thrilling shoppers every business day since 1911!!! It is in the center atrium of the store.

organ 4

An organist plays twice each day, Monday through Saturday. We were able to catch two of the mini concerts!

organ 3

Organ pipes are on each of those seven levels going up although the Macy’s store is only on three of the levels now.The console is just above the shoe department!

organ 1

At the end of the mini concerts, visitors are allowed to view the console.

organ 6

Of course, we took the opportunity to take cheesy photos!

I am delighted that Macy’s has maintained and preserved this magnificent organ. I am including a very short video so that you can hear it but you can find several other lengthy videos on YouTube to hear more!

We had a great time and would highly recommend a visit to Philadelphia, especially for any history lovers!

I still have several projects in the works but as you can imagine, I haven’t been at home long enough to work on them! I hope you’ll visit again to check my progress!

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If you would like to read my daughter’s take on the trip, click here.

I’ll be linking to Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style. Click over and visit for lots of inspiration!

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