Monday, May 6, 2013

Adding More Color to the Guest Room

I am still tweaking our guest room. I am not a neutral person and even though the Braemore Wonderland fabric has lots of color, I needed a little more color in this room. The first photo shows the redo before I added more color.

twin beds 2

I decided to paint the table between the twin beds a pretty coral.

coral table 3

A little color goes a long way! I like that so much better than the white table. There is also a table in the sitting area.

sitting area

I gave that table a coat of coral too.

coral table 5

Much better! I also made a “slip cover” of blue silk for the lamp shade. (On a side note, the cabbage patch doll in the antique wicker stroller is an original before they were mass produced. It is more than 30 years old!) My next little project was making a colorful window treatment.

window treatment 3

I used more of the Braemore Wonderland and added a coordinating coral trellis print for the lining, and a green trellis print for the covered button accents and edged it entirely with blue cording.

window treatment 1

I’m not quite calling this room finished yet. I would still like to add a little something around the mirrors above the beds and I will be adding some type of art to one of the walls in this room.

Meanwhile, I am helping prepare for my niece’s wedding in 2 weeks, pulling together some final details.

a signature

I’ll be linking to Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style. Click on the link for lots of inspiration!

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