Monday, August 29, 2016

Garden Tour of Moss Mountain Farm Part 2

In this part of our garden tour of Moss Mountain Farm we will see the areas to the east side of the house including the east lawn, the white garden, the rose garden and the vegetable garden.

white garden 1

The white garden was very elegant. There was a small garden pool in the center surrounded by gravel. The pool area was encircled by all white plantings, I believe they were white SunPatiens. I found this short article about SunPatiens in P Allen Smith’s e-magazine Naturally. Beautiful hedges formed the walls of this garden area and there were two large white stone eagles on pedestals placed within the wall of hedges. It was a very simple but beautiful design.white garden 2

white garden 3

The white garden is just beyond the east lawn and the greenhouse.

east lawn

The  east lawn is also edged by a wonderful wall of hedges and has a nice alley of trees. The focal point is a statue placed on a pedestal at the end of the alley. In the upper left of the photo above you can also see another one of the huge “sister” oak trees.

east lawn with one of the sisters

There is another one of the huge oak trees on the right side of the photo above too.

gateway leading out of the east garden

This beautiful gateway leads out beyond the east lawn to the other areas of the garden.


 The greenhouse sits behind the hedgewall of the east lawn. It is completely surrounded by hedges. Beyond the greenhouse area is the white garden, then the pond and vegetable and rose gardens.

view of the greenhouse from a third floor window

The photo above taken from a third floor window of the house shows the east garden “wall” and the greenhouse and white garden beyond the hedges.

service rd between veg garden and home

The photo above shows the view beyond the white garden looking back toward the house. The service road leads to the rose garden.

swans and a rowboat in the pond

This pond is just beyond the white garden. What could be more romantic than a rowboat and swans?

volunteer pumpkins along the service rd

This volunteer pumpkin was growing along the service road.

path to the rose garden

There are two entrances to the rose garden, an upper entrance and a lower entrance.

rose garden 1

Because it was terribly hot when we were there and because the roses were past their prime, we didn’t walk down into the rose garden but only took photos from the upper entrance.

rose garden 2

Weddings are sometimes held in the rose garden.

rose garden 3

The process of designing and building the iron gates for the rose garden was featured on one episode of the Garden Home television shows.

path from the vegetable garden to the rose garden

The photo above shows the walkway from the vegetable garden down to the rose garden. It is quite a steep incline. If you look closely you can see the river beyond the rose garden.

vegetable garden gated entry

The one acre vegetable garden is fenced in to help with critter control.

vegetable garden entry axis - focal point

A central path goes right through the center of the garden with another gate at the other end. If you keep walking out the gate you will go down the hill to the rose garden.

vegetable garden 6

Espaliered fruit trees help keep this area very neat and tidy looking.

vegetable garden espaliered fruit trees 2

vegetable garden espaliered fruit trees

vegetable garden fence with grapes

The sturdy wooden fence also provides support for grape vines.

vegetable garden 2

vegetable garden 3

The vegetable garden is divided into very manageable sized beds separated by mulched pathways.

vegetable garden

vegetable garden 5

A nice variety of flowers and herbs were also planted in the vegetable garden.

vegetable garden drip irrigation

I did notice drip irrigation hoses in the vegetable garden.

vegetable garden 4

view from the vegetable garden toward the house

This last photo was taken at the entry of the vegetable garden looking back toward the house. The barn looking building is the event center. If you missed part one of the garden tour click here ( the front of the house and the border gardens around the driveway) and if you missed the tour of the inside of the Garden Home you can see it by clicking here.

I have two more posts to get in all the pictures of the garden and I hope you will come back to see them too!

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I’m linking to Metamorphosis Monday, to Wow Us Wednesday to Thoughts of Home on Thursday, and to Grace at Home. Be sure to click the links for lots of inspiration.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Tour of Moss Mountain Farm–Part One

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I recently had the opportunity to visit and tour P Allen Smith’s Moss Mountain Farm and I have many, many pictures to share. In fact, I have so many pictures that I am dividing them into 4 posts. I hope you will come back for the other posts, or better yet, follow the blog by entering your email here and you will be notified by email each time a new post is published. If you missed my last post with the tour of the Garden Home you can see it by clicking here.

big sister

P Allen Smith purchased 600 acres along the Arkansas River in 2006 and proceeded to build the Garden Home and develop 50 acres of the property. Of course the garden will always bea work in progress and what a wonderful work it is. There are seven huge oak trees on the property and the one in front of the house is now called Big Sister! The big trees have lightning rods to protect them from storms and lightning.

moos mountain farm aerial view

The photo above came from the Moss Mountain Farm website but I wanted you to see an aerial view to get the lay of the land. Allen Smith has a firm that does landscape design and has written several gardening books. He has used foundational garden design principles to divide the acreage into several spaces or garden rooms. Other than the paved driveway at the front of the house, there is very little hardscape. By hardscape I am referring to concrete, block or stone walls or pathways. All the other pathways are gravel and most of the garden walls are live plant material. You can also see in the photo above how well balanced and symmetrical everything is.

question-answer session with P Allen Smith

Before we chose a date to take the tour, we called to see if Allen would be there on that day. Sometimes he is at the tour and sometimes he is not. We chose a date when we were told he would be there.

family photo with P Allen Smith

He is as personable in person as he is on television. It was just liking talking to an old friend. He greeted the crowd, then had a period for questions and answers then took time to pose for photos with anyone who wanted one.

garden home exterior 1

As I stated in the last post, the Garden Home was built in the Greek Revival style to reflect the original home that was built there in 1840.

garden home exterior 4

garden home exterior 3

There is an event center building next to the house where receptions and other events are held.

event center

It looks somewhat like a barn on the outside.

event center patio with planters

It also has a large patio area with beautiful planters that can also be used for parties and events.

lunch in the event center

Our tour included lunch in the event center.

grilled chicken lunch

Our lunch was a grilled chicken salad which is a recipe in his new cookbook. The desert also came from the new cookbook.

You can purchase the cookbook by clicking here.

shop and parking area

The building above has a small gift shop, restrooms, and a small chicken area.

garden home exterior 2

There is extensive use of boxwoods throughout the garden.

boxwood foundation plantings

Boxwoods were used as foundation plantings and as path markers.

boxwoods marking the garden path

more boxwoods

driveway border with flagpole

In the photo above, you can see another one of the giant oak trees in the background.

driveway border garden

The hardscape of the driveway is softened by a beautiful border garden.

driveway border 2

If you look closely, you can see that the driveway garden is enclosed with boxwoods.

driveway border boxwoods

You get a pretty good view of the boxwoods in the photo above.

driveway border 3

I don’t remember if this garden was irrigated or not but I do remember that all of the plants used here are very tolerant of heat and sun.

driveway border 4

Notice that he used a very limited color pallet for this garden.

driveway border 5

I was taking notes on my phone and unfortunately I was not able to keep up so I didn’t get all of the plants names but I do remember that this garden includes purple fountain grass, petunias, coleus, sweet potato vine, sunpatients, and angelonia.

driveway border garden planter

The same plants were used in the urn.

driveway border goups of 3 a

driveway border groups of 3 b

I’ve said for years, if you want to make a big impact, have a mass planting of a single color. Because this is a pretty large area, using a lot of single plants would not be very effective. All of these small plants were planted in groups of three. That way, each color does show up and it makes a pretty nice impact!

driveway border groups of 3 c

driveway border groups of 3 d

I hope that you enjoyed this part of the tour and will come back for the others!

I usually only post one time per week but I will speed these up so as not to drag it out so much!

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I’m linking to Wow Us Wednesday. Be sure to click the link for lots of inspiration.

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