Sunday, December 28, 2014

2014 Project Review

It’s been a while since I have posted due to an extremely busy month of December. As some of you know, I have a small business Bethlehem Christmas Dinnerware, as well as several Christmas decorating jobs. Throw in decorating the house, hosting a party, baking 48 cakes, attending a few Christmas functions, doing a little shopping, wrapping gifts and a birthday trip and it’s pretty obvious why I haven’t had time to do a blog post! So many times I don’t feel like I have accomplished much until I review my blog posts. This online project diary helps me feel much more productive. I had a very busy year! My biggest project for 2014 was planning and taking a trip to Europe with my daughter. We had such a wonderful time and look forward to going back again some day.

Keukenhof Gardens 8

You can click here, here,here, here, here, here, and here to read about our trip. I actually spent a lot of time traveling this past year. I spent about nine weeks in hotels!

Zapp Hall in Warrenton

I was also able to get to the Round Top Antiques festival. You can read about that trip by clicking here and here. You can read about my birthday trip to New York by clicking here.

While at home, I did manage to complete a few projects.

blanket chest from piano parts

I used pieces of my grandmother’s upright piano that I had deconstructed to build this blanket chest.

refrigerator cabinet pantry 1-16

I built a slide out pantry on the sides of my refrigerator using the existing cabinetry. This is a great use of otherwise wasted space. You can read about that project by clicking here.

I made some lamps from various objects. You can read about them by clicking here and here.

parrot lamps with blu and green shade

new shade- close up

I completed several chair projects. I converted this one to a swivel rocker for a friend’s nursery.

Converted Rocker 1

I did a total makeover on these.

PicMonkey Collage red chairs

I rescued this one from Goodwill.

new home for old chair 2

You can see how I staged my niece’s house to sell by clicking here.

I also helped my daughter build corn hole boards for some fall fun.

finished at last

I also managed to do a little shopping. You can click here, here, here, and here to see some of my finds.

collected tablescape 1

I have some long overdue projects planned for 2015 if I can just pull them off! I hope that each of you had the most wonderful Christmas ever and wish you the very best New Year! Thank you for every visit and especially for taking time to leave a comment!

a signature

I’ll be linking to Southern Hospitality and to Between Naps on the Porch. Click the link to see lots of inspiration.


  1. Hi Pat, I'm amazed that you completed so many projects and did so much traveling this year! Somehow I missed those pull out shelves beside your fridge. You are so talented and I'm proud to call you a friend! Wishing you a happy and healthy and project filled New Year!

  2. What an amazing year you had! I truly enjoyed your travel posts. But you forgot to also include how you really, really blessed me during a difficult time. Thank you so much my friend. I cannot say enough good things about your dinner ware. We have used it every night for dinner and it came out beautifully from the dishwasher each and every time. Thank you again!

  3. Wow you certainly had some amazing projects in2014...I love the lamp creations!...and how great to take a trip to Europe with your daughter!...Looking forward to what you will be doing in 2015.

  4. I am so glad to have read all of these posts ( I dont know how I missed the sliding pantry one though!)! You truly had a fulfilling year and we're lucky to learn and get inspired from all these! CHEERS to 2015 Pat!


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