Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Pumpkin Village at the Dallas Arboretum

I had the opportunity to visit the Dallas Arboretum a few weeks ago and thoroughly enjoyed the pumpkin village. I was told by an employee that there are 65,000 pumpkins on display. It was very well done. I’ll let the pictures do most of the talking.

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-della robia urn

Piles and piles of pumpkins were displayed very creatively.

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-pumpkin walways 1

Many of the walkways were lined with pumpkins.

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-pumpkin walways 2

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-pumpkin walways 3

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-pumpkin walways 4

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-white garden 1

The white garden was lined with white pumpkins.Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-white garden 2

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-white garden 3

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-white garden 4

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-pumpkin 1

Some of the pumpkins were displayed on metal stands while others were stacked as topiaries or totems.

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-pumpkin totem 1

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-pumpkin totem 2

Even the marigolds look all festive in their fall splendor.Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-pumpkin totem 3

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-apple gourd

One section had all of the varieties labeled. This Apple Gourd looks just like a big green apple.

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-pumpkin village 1

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-pumpkin village 3

There were even pumpkin houses in the pumpkin village.

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-pumpkin village 2

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-pumpkin house 1

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-pumpkin house 2

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-pumpkin house 3

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-pumpkin house 4

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-maze of hay bales

There was a maze of hay bales which is much more appropriate for small children.

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-Cinderella's carriage

There were several photo spots including Cinderella’s carriage and some scarecrow cut-outs.

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-scarecrow photo booth 1

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-scarecrow photo booth 2

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-scarecrow garden 1

There was a really cute scarecrow garden.

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-scarecrow garden 2

I saved my favorite for last, the swan lake display.

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-swan lake 1

The “lake” was made of light green pumpkins and the “swans” were crooked neck gourds.

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-swan lake 2

Dallas Arboretum - pumpkin festival-swan lake 3

As you can tell, I thoroughly enjoyed my visit.

Autumn at the Dallas Arboretum runs until November 26 and admission is buy one get one free on Wednesdays. You can click this link to see the other admission discounts.

Happy fall!

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I’ll be linking to Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style and to Grace at Home at Imparting Grace.


  1. Wow, now THIS is a great display. My SIL and her hubby were visiting from Fl. last week and we took them to Longwood Gardens but were disappointed. Last year their display was MUCH better. This year it almost seemed like an afterthought. I want to send them your blog post!!!:)

  2. Lovely, lovely, lovely!!! Isn't the Dallas arboretum the best? Always enjoyable. The pumpkins houses are so creative and fun to see. Swan lake is just wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing. Will have to get over there this fall. Catherine (latest follower of your blogging adventures!) :)

  3. This is amazing and gorgeous. I cant imagine how long it must take to do this and then take it all down.

  4. I love this! Those pumpkin houses are super cute and I love the horses made of hay. I featured a post of a pumpkin festival in Germany I think you might like: http://peoniesandorangeblossoms.blogspot.com/2014/10/pumpkin-animals.html your festival is the closest thing I've seen to this one! Thanks for sharing!


  5. OMGosh that is amazing the pictures were fabulous I can just imagine how fabulous in person it is to see
    Thanks for showing us all

  6. What a gorgeous display o Fall! I would love to visit. Have a great weekend! Maria

  7. It's gorgeous! Wish I could go there someday!


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