Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Making Corn Hole Boards

My daughter and I finally made corn hole boards to enjoy this fall. It was quite a project but they turned out very nice. She found the information regarding the dimensions online which we used to build the boards.

drawing the circle

We decided to use 1/2 inch plywood so that the boards would not bounce when the bags hit them. We used the top of a margarine tub to draw the circle for the hole.

using a [addle bit to drill a starter hole

Next we used a paddle bit to drill a starter hole.

using a jig saw to cut the hole

Next we used a jigsaw to carefully cut the hole.

completed hole

frame screwed together

Next we screwed the frame together.

glue for the frame

We added glue before attaching the top.

top attached to frame with screws

We also used screws to attach the top.

drawing the curve for the leg

We used another container to mark the curve for the legs.

curved leg cut

drilling a hole for the legs

We used the paddle bit again to make holes for the leg hardware.

painting the base coat

Then the painting process began.

used a projector to put the logo on

We used a projector to trace the logo.

tedious hand painting

The painting process was the hardest and most time consuming part.


A scoreboard using golf tees was added to the end of one board.

rope storage

We also used hardware cleats to store the measuring rope for ease in spacing the boards.

finished at last

After many hours of tedious painting, the boards were complete.

keeping it real

Just in case you wonder, this is what our house looks like when I am involved in a project. So, this is what our house looks like most of the time!!

a signature

I’ll be linking to Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style.


  1. We love corn hole! Awesome tutorial! Your boards look so professional! My SIL made us a game, mainly because he wanted to play :) and we love it!

  2. They turned out wonderful. I always love playing that with kids at fairs.

  3. Great Pics and results. My daughter made Carolina Panther cornhole for her boyfriend for Christmas a couple of years ago. Now she needs to make a Converse set, (that's where she's in school now). I like that you used 1x's. It makes it lighter.

  4. We tried to make them light for carrying so we did use 1 x 4s instead of 2 x 4s. Funny you should mention Converse. That's where I went to college many years ago!!

  5. I wasn't sure what a corn hole board was until I saw the finished project. I knew simply as "the bean bag toss". Ah vernacular. I just love it.

    Happy All Hallows Eve!

  6. Yours look store-bought Pat! I'm sure you got that chaos cleaned up in no time!


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