Tuesday, January 22, 2013

More Showhouse Photos

This is a continuation of my last post of photos from a showhouse at Flat Rock, North Carolina a few summers ago. As I stated in the last post, I followed the rules and did not take photos inside the house. I found these photos on the real estate agent’s website. The house and setting were spectacular. If you missed the last post, you can read it be clicking here.flatrock exterior

I only have two “before” photos in this batch. The first is a bedroom that is obviously a “before”.


Like the other “before” pictures, nothing is wrong with this room. It just has a very different style.


Only a designer would place a bed in front of a window and achieve such a dramatic effect.


The room above is a great updated look using very traditional furniture.



Notice the soft sculpture on the left wall above. It was really cute. It was called “President Obama and His Cabinet”. The tour guide in the room named each cabinet member in the sculpture and you could definitely see a resemblance! Notice, they also left the small sink on the far wall.


The spiral stairway lead to one area of the upstairs. It was not the main stairway.


The photo above shows the main stairway. It was beautiful!


This is the rear parlor and you can see the stairway from here. I thought it was interesting that the stairway was not at all visible from the front entry and foyer.


This small bathroom above, was tiny compared to the rest of the house.

flatrock kitchen before

The above photo is the “before” shot of the kitchen.

flatrock kitchen after

The “after” kitchen looks quite different without a major overhaul. Staining the cabinets a little darker and removing the wallpaper made quite a difference.

I’ll be back with one more post and I am saving the best for last!!

a signature

I’ll be linking to Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style. Kim hosts a great party each week. I’m also linking to Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch. Click over to see some great inspiration!


  1. What a fun place to visit! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Gorgeous! I love home tours, so thanks so much for taking us with you!
    Visiting from WOW

  3. Unbelievably GORGEOUS!!!
    I do a series every wednesday on homes listed for sale ( usually turn of the century ) so this has real appeal for me -
    Drop by!

  4. What an incredible home, I know you had a ball on the tour. I'm going back to look at your previous post. hugs ~lynne ~


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