Friday, November 25, 2011

Faux Mercury Glass Lamp

In a previous post I shared this faux mercury glass lamp.IMG_2781

When I purchased the lamp at a second hand store it looked like this.


I think that it held shells at one time but there were no shells when I bought it. I took it home and took it apart. I started by taking off the harp and light socket.


If you look carefully at the socket, you will see the words “press here”. You press there to remove the cover. Then you unscrew the wires.  I usually mark the screw with the smooth wire with an “S” since one side of lamp wire is smooth and the other side has ridges. It does make a difference! Now that the socket has been removed, I can pull the lamp cord down through the bottom of the lamp to take everything completely apart.


Next, I gave the globe a good cleaning, inside and out. Then I used a spray bottle with water to spray a light coat inside the globe. I followed this by a thin coat of Looking Glass spray paint.


I followed with several light coats of paint, allowing each coat to dry before the next. The finish turned out great .


I really like those dark spots!


You never know what the finish will look like! It is unique every time. After the paint dried, I reassembled everything. I was very pleased with the outcome.




  1. Hello! I have looked and looked for that spray paint but haven't found it yet! I love your lamp you did such a great job on it!
    I found you from Northern Nesting bloglist and now I'm you newest follower!
    Have a great evening!

  2. After much searching, I was able to find the looking glass paint at Hobby Lobby. BTW, when I asked at my local hardware store, they had no idea what I was talking about. They did look it up and offered to order a case if I would buy it all!


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