Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Painted Tea Kettle

I love anything Mackenzie Childs! Every time I go to New York I stop by the store to browse and enjoy all of the beautiful merchandise. I recently decided to try my hand at painting a tea kettle in the Mackenzie Childs style. Both of my young adult children made the same comment when they saw the tea kettle. They said “Oh, you painted your teapot like your store in New York.”  They don’t know the name of the store but they know that it is one of my regular “stops”.

a painted teapot

Painting on the curved surface was a little challenging but it turned out OK.

plain teapot

I purchased a stainless kettle from Walmart for about $20.

teapot prepped for paint

I removed the knob from the top and covered the handle and base with painter’s tape. I stuffed the bag inside the open top to keep paint out.

teapot with base coat

Next I applied a base coat of white spray paint.

finished painted teapot

Then I went back and added black squares and did some dragging through the white squares with acrylic paint.

a painted teapot

Far from perfect but good enough for me!

a mackenzie childs duffle

I also made a rare splurge purchase! I bought the Mackenzie Childs weekend duffle bag. It was half price on the website but still a big splurge for me!

a mackenzie childs tote

As if that wasn’t enough, I went back online and purchased the tote bag. It was also half price!

We recently took a short trip and I took the bags with me. At one point my husband was carrying the duffle for me through the airport. I did notice several ladies admiring my hub’s cute bag!

If you would like to see another Mackenzie Childs style project that I did you can click here to see a table and chairs that I painted several years ago.

I hope you are enjoying the rest of your summer!

a signature

I’m linking to Wow Us Wednesday, to Thoughts of Home on Thursday, to Grace at Home and to Metamorphosis Monday. Click the link for lots of inspiration!


  1. You did a great job. I couldn't remember the name but I recognized the style. I truly thought it was a McKenzie teapot. I can't wait to see what other items you paint in that style.

  2. Pat, that is a great job, I thought it was a MC kettle. Love your bags! Happy Wednesday, Pam @ Everyday Living

  3. I have the teapot that you painted yours to look like! Yours looks great, btw. It is the only thing I have ever purchased at Sax Fifth Avenue. I walked in there after Christmas one year and I had never heard of Macenzie but I loved that tea kettle. Just lately one of the French shops near my home started carrying every thing they sell...I had no idea! Something about it attracts me too. Love your splurges

  4. You did a great job on the tea kettle! And you got a great deal on the bags!!! I have enough travel bags or would run over to the site and look around. Don't want to be tempted:):)

  5. The teapot turned out beautiful!....Like a MacKenzie-Childs for sure!...
    And love those bags!!!..Glad you decided to splurge..they are beautiful!

  6. What a fantastic job and terrific bags. Have a wonderful week!


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