Monday, June 20, 2016

Febreze Air Purifier

This is a sponsored post. I received a Febreze Air Purifier to evaluate and review the product. All opinions are my own.

I recently had the opportunity to evaluate and review the Febreze Air Purifier. After using it for several weeks I have been very pleased and impressed.


The Febreze Air Purifier is a Hepa type air purifier that removes up to 99% of air pollutants. This large model retails for about $89 and stands about 26 inches tall.


Since she was a baby, my now grown daughter has struggled with air borne allergens. We decided that her room was the perfect place to start.  Several nights before we got the air purifier, my daughter awoke during the night with terrible allergy attacks, sneezing repeatedly, throat and eyes itching, and runny nose. Because she is “scent sensitive” we did not turn on the scent feature while it was in her room. The machine operates quietly so that it does not interfere with sleep. Since using the Febreze Air Purifier, her allergy attacks have been significantly reduced. It made a dramatic difference in her room and she loved it. 


After a couple of weeks we moved the air purifier to the den. Again, the quiet operation allowed us to continue to watch TV and carry on our normal activites without any problems at all. While the air purifier was in the den we tried out the scent feature. We tend to be very sensitive to scents and find many candles to be over-powering. We started with the lowest setting for scent and it was so light that we turned it to the highest setting. The fresh Febreze scent was very light and pleasant, making the house smell really fresh and clean. I would highly recommend this product!

I’m linking to Thoughts of Home on Thursdays at Poofing the Pillows and to Grace at Home at Imparting Grace.

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  1. Pat, I have never seen these before. The hubby and I have terrible allergies this time of year. I may have to look into this for our bedroom at night.

  2. This is fantastic! I have allergies at certain times of the year and this could be a great solution. Thank you so very much for sharing this wonderful post at Thoughts of Home on Thursday.

  3. Thank you for sharing this at Thoughts of Home.
    We are so glad you are here.


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