Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Foyer Update Week 4

I am moving right along on my progress on the foyer. This week was devoted to painting. Before hanging the new wallpaper, I painted the molding above and below the wallpaper area so as not to have any mishaps on the new wallpaper. This week I painted the wall below the chair rail, the baseboards, the risers on the stairs, and the spindles, all 75 of them, and the newel posts, the doors to the coat closets, and the doors to the living room and dining room. It was a lot of tedious work. Now I am ready to get to the fun part. I’ll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.

new paint and paper 4

catwalk before

The photo above is a “before” shot and the photo below is the “after” of the same area.

new paint and paper

stairwell before 1Another “before” photo above and the “after” paint on the stairs

new paint and paper 3

new paint and paper 2

freshly painted doors

front entry before

And the last “before” above and the “after” below.

freshly painted doors 2

If you missed the previous posts you can click here for week 1,week 2, and week 3. I’m joining the One Room Challenge at Calling It Home. Click the link to see lots of great projects!

Have a great week!

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  1. Your almost done!!!! At least the hard parts are and I LOVE IT, truly Pat, I can't believe you've pulled it off in such a short time!

  2. Pat this space is truly looking wonderful! You have come such a long way. I have been thinking of you often and saying a prayer each time you cross my mind.
    Happy Earth Day!

  3. Omg...that wallpaper looks amazing!! Well done!

  4. I love the new wallpaper! It's stunning! And kudos for painting all of those spindles!

  5. WOW!!! That is one impressive change! Beautiful!!!

  6. Wow! What gorgeous wallpaper! I was literally talking to a designer friend yesterday about how we both wanted to wallpaper our hallways and were a little intimidated by the process. You've done an absolutely gorgeous job here. Can't wait to see your hallway with all the finishing touches!

  7. Such a transformation and it looks amazing!! Great job!!


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