Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Visit to Keukenhof Gardens

Today I am sharing more of our recent trip to Europe. If you missed the previous post on the flower fields of Holland, you can view it by clicking here. If you missed the video that my daughter made you can see it by clicking here. The photos in this post are all from our visit to Keukenhof Gardens. Keukenhof is a 79 acre garden planted with hundreds of thousands of bulbs and it is unbelievably gorgeous. It is open from late March until late May and our visit was the first week of April. The gardens have shuttle buses that operate from nearby train stations and from the airport at Amsterdam. We took the bus from the Amsterdam airport and I believe that it took about 15 minutes.  There were many tour buses there but the property is so large that it didn’t seem crowded at all.  I’ll let the photos do most of the talking.

Keukenhof Gardens 1

It was chilly and slightly overcast but the flowers were still beautiful.

Keukenhof Gardens 2

My young travel mates for the day wanted to have their picture taken in the giant wooden shoe.

Keukenhof Gardens 3

Keukenhof Gardens 4

Keukenhof Gardens 5

Keukenhof Gardens 6

I was surprised at the size of the windmill.  It was really big.

Keukenhof Gardens 7

Keukenhof Gardens 8

The photo above and the one below were taken on the deck of the windmill.

Keukenhof Gardens 9

Keukenhof Gardens 10

Keukenhof Gardens 11

Keukenhof Gardens 12

Keukenhof Gardens 13

I had my daughter stand there to show the size of the Rhododendron. It was at least 10 feet tall and wide.

Keukenhof Gardens 14

Keukenhof Gardens 15

Keukenhof Gardens 16

Keukenhof Gardens 17

Keukenhof Gardens 18

Keukenhof Gardens 19

Keukenhof Gardens 20

Keukenhof Gardens 21

Keukenhof Gardens 22

Keukenhof Gardens 23

Keukenhof Gardens 24

Keukenhof Gardens 25

Keukenhof Gardens 26

Keukenhof Gardens 27

Keukenhof Gardens 28

Keukenhof Gardens 29

Keukenhof Gardens 30

Keukenhof Gardens 31

Keukenhof Gardens 32

As I have said many times before, nothing makes a bigger impact than a mass planting of a single color. I hope that you enjoyed the tour. Have a great week!

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I’ll be linking to Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style and to Grace at Home at Imparting Grace. Click the link for  lots of inspiration.


  1. Again, the flowers and photos you guys took are just a delight Pat, thank you for sharing them to us!

  2. Oh I am so glad that you were able to see this fabulous garden.

    Have a beautiful weekend.

  3. Just catching up on my blog reading. Your photos are gorgeous! Such beautiful gardens!

  4. Pat, wow what beautiful gardens at Keukenhof. I so agree that mass plantings of the same color make a statement. You appeared to be there at a perfect time...the tulips were stunning! Thanks so much for joining Gardens Galore!


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