Monday, November 25, 2013

A Great Gift for the Men in Your Life

For me, this is THE BUSIEST week of the year! My “to-do” list is a mile long and I am tackling it as quickly as I can. Christmas will be here before we know it and I have a great gift idea for the men in your life. My husband recently purchased this book and has thoroughly enjoyed it. He has enjoyed it so much that I thought I was going to have to call 911 several times. He has laughed so hard that I thought he was going to need emergency assistance. I am not exaggerating!! After regaining his composure he would say “I have to read this to you.” It has certainly brightened several evenings for us after a hard day of work.

Ten Was The Deal book

This book is filled with humorous and heart warming stories of outdoors in the south. While my husband would not be considered an outdoorsman, he grew up hunting and fishing with his grandfather and this book brought back great memories for him.  Obviously, I can’t give this to my husband because he has already read it, but we will be gifting it to other men on our list. Ten Was The Deal comes in all formats, hardcover, paperback, and eReader. You can go to this link to find out where to purchase it.

I will be hosting Thanksgiving this year and am planning to try something a little different for seating. I hope to be able to post my table soon. The menu will be traditional. My family does not like it when we switch things up for the holidays! I will be baking my fresh apple black walnut cake and can’t wait to have a slice!

apple pound cake

You can click this link to get the recipe. I hope to post the recipe for our pumpkin pie too. It has a secret ingredient that makes it better than any other we have had. I’ll also be making my 5 Minute Sweet Tea.

ready to drink sweet tea w text

You can see how I make it by clicking here. Of course, there will be  a whole lot of cooking in this house! I hope to make some Christmas treats for my family to take with them to enjoy during the holidays. I will have my dishpans ready before Thursday. If you haven’t seen it already, you have to click here to get the best tip ever if you are hosting a large meal in your home. I have used it several times and it works great! I have two Christmas Decorating installations to do and am ready to get started on those. And lastly but not least, I will be packing and shipping dinnerware.

5 Piece place setting 72ppi for web pages

You can click here to place your order. There may just be a great Thanksgiving sale a little later this week!

I am so thankful for all of my blessings including my online friends and readers. I hope that you have a wonderful week and a very Happy Thanksgiving!

a signature

I’ll be linking to Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life and to The Scoop at Stone Gable.


  1. Apple black walnut cake sounds wonderful! I know my family would absolutely love that!!

  2. What a great recommendation for a gift, especially for those who practically have 'everything' already! Thank you Pat! Your cake looks divine and since I'm hosting too, have to try that tea! Hoping your Thanksgiving will be wonderful too!

  3. Love the book gift suggestion and the cake sounds soooooooooooo good. Thanks so much for linking to Inspire Me and I hope you and your family have a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving. Hugs, Marty


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