Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Another Chair Rescue

Last week I completed another chair rescue.

new red chair 2

For a while I have wanted to update an old chair with a bright bold fabric and I finally did it! Take a look at the before…..

old chair 1

I think this was the dirtiest project I have ever undertaken. I ran across this beauty at an antique booth for $15 and decided to give it a shot.

old chair 3

I used a hammer, a flat screwdriver, and a pair of needle-nose pliers to pull back the upholstery.

old chair 5 

The fabric was absolutely rotten as well as filthy dirty.

old chair 7

I’ve never seen purple batting before and I am suspicious that the chair got wet and the fabric faded on it. I found a remnant of this bold red and white fabric, 5 yards for $25 and got to work.

new red chair 2

Before I started, I painted a very thin coat of black paint on the legs to cover up some scratches.

new red chair 1

I won’t go over the step by step details of the upholstery but I will give a few pointers that I have learned. A staple gun that uses an air compressor is absolutely essential.  The little blue compressor in the corner of the photo below is what I used. It was pretty inexpensive (less than $50 I think) and has been used for many projects. It was well worth the investment. I have tried other heavy duty staplers and an electric one but none are sufficient for good upholstery. Also, taking time to match any pattern on the fabric gives a very professional finish to the project. Also, cording, or piping, adds an additional professional touch.

new red chair 3 

If you look closely, you can see that I used a row of double cording to go around the arms and a row of single cording around the piece of trim at the bottom.

new red chair 4 

This chair is for my son’s room at our summer cottage. Because the room is small, it’s hard to photo in there. The idea is that he will put the pillows from the bed on the chair at night instead of throwing them in the floor. Hey, a girl can dream can’t she?

red chair - blue room

There is room to squeeze by at the end of the bed.


Another project checked off my list! I hope that you are having a fun and productive summer.

a signature

I’ll be linking to Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style,  to Home Work at Worthing Court, to Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Through Life and to Be Inspired Friday at Common Ground. Click over for lots of inspiration.



  1. Terrific Job Pat!!! Looks professionally done!!!!

  2. Wow, this is stunning. I love the fabric and you did an amazing job. I need to learn how to do this. I would love for you to link this up to my 170th Inspire Me Tuesday party that is ongoing. - -http://www.astrollthrulife.net/2013/06/170th-inspire-me-tuesday.html Hugs, Marty

  3. WOW!!! LOVE the new fabric!! It looks gorgeous! Would love it if you would link this up to Give Me The Goods Monday: 1 Party, 4 Blogs! http://www.rainonatinroof.com/2013/06/give-me-goods-monday-party-14.html
    Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

  4. That fabric is lovely and an incredible transformation was made with that chair. Isn't it amazing how you can change some so dramatically. Love It!
    Thanks, Patty

  5. What an amazing transformation, well done!I'm a new follower,

  6. You wowed me with this one! I love the red fabric - so lively and fun. I'm so jealous that you know how to upholster. I've done it, but I wasn't happy with my workmanship. I'll stick to the sewing machine, I guess. Great job!
    His blessings,
    Kim @ Curtain Queen

  7. I said WOW - that chair is so great-looking! Your skills blow me away. The chair had great lines, but your fabric choice really made it a winner. Love your Lydia reference, too. I'm going to follow. :)

  8. Great job! I love your fabric choice!

  9. That looks amazing! Love that fabric.

  10. Oh I LOVE this! The fabric is fabulous. You are an amazing upholsterer!

    Have a very happy fourth of July!

  11. Absolutely gorgeous. I'll be featuring this tomorrow at Home{work} Wednesday. Thanks for linking up.

  12. Ugh. I am currently working on a chair. It is slow going on this one, but your post has given me the incentive to push on and get it finished!

    Red & white gorgeousness.


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