Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Vignette

Years ago I decorated for a holiday almost every month but as my children have gotten older I now do well to change a few things around each season.  If I get it done it’s good and if I don’t get to it, that’s OK too. This year I was able to get something together for spring.

spring vignette 4

We have a large coffee table in our den so that we can prop our feet up! My family doesn’t cooperate with unrealistic styling so the “lived in” look is for real. The wooden box and the urn are almost always on the table. The topiary rabbit and small basket have been added for spring.

spring vignette 5

The remote should be in the wooden box but rarely finds its way there and the photographer failed to put it there before the photo shoot. The box also holds pens and notepads and other coffee table clutter.

rabbit topiary

I debated between this faux moss covered rabbit and a topiary rabbit but decided on this one thinking that it would last longer. I purchased it at Scott’s Antiques earlier this month.

spring vignette 8

The basket is holding vintage chocolate molds for Easter eggs. If you look closely, you can see the Man in the Moon on one on the left side.  I also purchased these at Scott’s and the dealer told me that she purchased these at an outdoor market in Belgium. Lucky her! Sounds like my kind of place!

spring vignette 3

The pansies are awfully droopy but hopefully will perk up again and last a few more weeks!

Now if we can just have some WARM spring weather!

I’ll be linking to Table Top Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life. Click the link to see lots of inspiration.

a signature


  1. I love it. The rabbit is just the cutest and I adore that coffee table. Looks great. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on my woodland Easter basket. You are right, our bunnies are almost the same. I like the way you have yours displayed. In fact, I like the entire room. The color scheme and furniture are very pretty. I am glad to know that I am not the only blogger who has a real lived in home as opposed to a show house. You will find the remote in full view on our coffee table (and probably anything else someone plops down) at anytime. LOL

  3. Love this rabbit. I have been looking for this type of rabbit and can not find one... would love it if you came by and shared at One More Time Events..
    new follower...found you thru A Stroll Thru Life.

  4. So pretty and love that you used vintage egg molds too. Happy Spring!

  5. The bunny is adorable! Just found your blog and love it. We have a lot in common...Have a wonderful Easter!

  6. Those eggs are so neat and the bunny is really cute too! I also like your pretty furniture. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. I totally understand being able to read the labels on shampoo bottles! ;)

  7. Love your bunny and how comfortable he is in your home.

    I'd love to have you link your post to Seasonal Sundays. The link goes up at 7 pm on Saturday evening.

    - The Tablescaper

  8. Oh I love those molds and the rabbit is darling!

    Rejoicing in an empty tomb. May you and yours have a very Happy Easter!

  9. LOVE those Easter decorations! I am going to have to look for those Easter egg molds! I LOVE them! Life to the full, Melissa


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