Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Weekend Visit to Old Town Alexandria, Virginia

We had the opportunity to visit Old Town Alexandria, Virginia last weekend. It is a great place to visit. It is a great town for walking, has great shops and restaurants, and has absolutely wonderful architecture.  I’ll let the pictures do the talking.
Old Town Alexandria 1
Old Town Alexandria 2
Old Town Alexandria 4
There are wonderful planters everywhere.Old Town Alexandria 8
I love all of the row houses! It was hard to get good pictures with all of the cars, traffic lights, and tourists!
Old Town Alexandria 9
Old Town Alexandria 10
Old Town Alexandria 11
I thought the lavender colored trim on this one was quite unique.
Old Town Alexandria 14
Notice the brick pediment above the door on this one.
Old Town Alexandria 16
Old Town Alexandria 18
This lovely church was at the end of one street.
Old Town Alexandria 19
Old Town Alexandria 22
I love the American flags blowing in the breeze.
Old Town Alexandria 23
Old Town Alexandria 25
Old Town Alexandria 28
This hotel is one of three Kimpton hotels in Alexandria. I have found that the Kimpton boutique hotels have a lot of character. I have stayed at one in Alexandria and at another in Boston and loved them both.
Old Town Alexandria 30
The building with gray shutters in the center above was a shop that I went in. It could not have been more than 10 feet wide. It was tiny but delightful. I believe that it was called the Bucket List Boutique.
Old Town Alexandria 32
Many of the buildings and homes have wonderful moldings.
Old Town Alexandria 33
Old Town Alexandria 35Old Town Alexandria 37
Old Town Alexandria 38
This little yellow house on the corner was so cute. My husband walked it off, golf course style, and measured it as 27 feet long and 18 feet deep. That comes to 486 square feet per floor!
Old Town Alexandria 39
Notice on this one where it has had two additions.
Old Town Alexandria 40
Old Town Alexandria 41
I love the wavy glass in the windows of this one. The black trim at the top and on the side porch is quite unusual.
Old Town Alexandria 42
Old Town Alexandria 44
Old Town Alexandria 49
I enjoyed browsing in this shop and thought that the prices were very reasonable.
Old Town Alexandria 48
This is the Morrison House Hotel where we stayed on another visit. The lobby is like a parlor in a wonderful home. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay there.
Old Town Alexandria 51Old Town Alexandria 53
Old Town Alexandria Firehouse 2
Have you ever seen a more beautiful fire house? And the weather vane is delightful!
Old Town Alexandria Firehouse Weather vane
Old Town Alexandria Vintage Truck 1
I love this vintage truck in front of this café.
Old Town Alexandria Vintage Truck 3
Alexandria Masonic Temple 5
This huge Masonic Temple is on a hill at one end of King Street. I believe that some of the scenes from the movie National Treasure were filmed here. It is all lit up at night and can be seen from miles away. I tried to take a picture as best as I could, from the middle of the street without a tripod so it is very fuzzy but you can get the idea.
Alexandria Masonic Temple 4
I would highly recommend a visit to Alexandria. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute there.
I’ll be linking to Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style and to Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch.


  1. Thanks for the lovely tour. Now I want to go and visit!


  2. Thank you for saying such nice things about my home town. When you live in the place you often forget about how nice it is. My husband and I usually take time to walk the area you saw in the spring and fall. Hope you got to see the waterfront too. Stop in and see me next time you come to town.

    Judy, Alexandria resident


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