Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Street Market in China

I just returned from a 3 week trip to China where I taught English to Chinese students at a summer English camp. I have been to China several times before but this trip was unlike the others. Usually we stay in luxury hotels which are VERY affordable there. This time we stayed in a dormitory for international students at the school which was located in a very typical Chinese neighborhood in Beijing. I was delighted to find a street market outside our window every morning at 6 AM. I am NOT a morning person but I awoke at 4 every morning which was OK because it is daylight there by 4 and by 6 the market was humming. I have seen these types of markets before while riding by in a taxi and I have always wanted the opportunity to stop. I had my chance on this trip. I so enjoyed observing the culture from a different perspective this time.
The market had more food than any thing but there was also furniture, clothing, shoes, and household items. I thought that the furniture pictured above was very interesting and wondered the price but didn’t dare to ask since there was no way it would fit into my suitcase.
I absolutely loved this lady’s shopping cart which I believe is a vintage baby stroller! If I could have gotten it in my bag I would have tried to buy it from her. I appreciate unique items with a history and I’m sure this has one!
This lady was selling a little bit of everything somewhat like a yard sale.
There was more fresh produce. If you look carefully you can see the American, aka yours truly, standing in the street taking it all in.
All of our meals were eaten in the school cafeteria and we enjoyed fresh watermelon every day.
There was also a tailor with a treadle sewing machine……
You could even get a haircut
men and women……..
One of the American college students in our group got a haircut here. He said it was very professional and very reasonably priced at 2RMB which is about 35 cents US! Quite the bargain! I most enjoyed watching the children at play while their parents worked. These boys loved getting the picture taken.
While I didn’t find a treasure to buy, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience!
I’ll be linking to Rhoda’s Thrifty Treasures at Southern Hospitality.

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