Monday, February 6, 2012

Updated Lamp Tables

I am sssllllloooooowwwwwllllyyyy  updating our 25 year old home and I can only see baby steps of progress. Everything always takes longer than I thought because usually one small task leads to another along the way. I was recently able to update my living room lamp tables.


Before, I simply had an inexpensive table with a skirt.

living room table before

Of coarse, I can’t fine my “before” pictures of the new table, but I found it in an antique store booth that was having a good sale for $40. I did have to do a quick refinishing but that project was pretty quick, easy, and painless.


I do have photos of the brass feet before I cleaned them.

l r table feet before 2

The difference is quite dramatic. I used one of my favorite products that I may have mentioned before.

l r table feet before 1

I used Wenol metal polish that I purchased on Amazon. It can be used on all metals, including my sterling flatware, and it is my go to for tough metal cleaning. With a little patience, and a lot of elbow grease, it usually meets my expectations.


So far, I am liking the new look, minus the exposed lamp cord.


I am also replacing the lamps. Stay tuned for more updates!

I will be linking to Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch and to Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style.



  1. Pat, this is a lovely table! I just love Wenol too! Our home is the same age and it does take baby steps! Your table is perfect!

  2. Pat, I'm vising from WUW and I know what you mean about updating the house slowly. Same here. Thanks for the tip on Wenol. I have a similar table with paw feet and need to clean them. Thanks.

  3. That a pretty table, Pat. Everybody's painting everything. Glad to see you are not painting the table. Linda

  4. What a beautiful table! I have never heard of the product so am very interested. I tend to sew up long fabric tubes to cover my cords. :)

  5. Beautiful table and your polished feet look wonderful too! Thanks for info on the product you used...I have a few I need to polish up!


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