Monday, December 5, 2011

Update on The Painted Secretary

I wanted to share a quick update on my painted secretary. You can read the original post here.


This is where we left off.


I have added the television.


I had to reinforce the back of the secretary with a piece of 1/2 inch thick plywood then I attached a wall mount TV stand. Now, the TV is out of sight when not in use. I also added a few accessories. I am not one to go “purchase” accessories just to have them. I usually wait until I discover something that I really love because I tend to keep things a very long time before changing them. Such was the case with this little Chinese trinket box.


The colors go with my color scheme and it is a reminder of our travels to China. As I told the clerk at the antique shop where I purchased this, it is very difficult to find quality souvenirs in China. There is a tremendous amount of very inexpensive knick knacks in the street markets but finding something of a little better quality is difficult.


This piece is actually a music box of the Imperial Palace or the Forbidden City as we know it. I use it for a ring box.

Another project checked off my list!


I’ll be linking to Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch and to Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style.


  1. Hi Pat! This is such a good idea for a TV. Not even possible not that long ago! Thanks so much for coming by!

  2. Thanks for sharing this. Our secretary is almost identical to yours, and the ASCP just arrived! I'm going to surprise my husband by putting his initials on the front (smaller, just below the lock). Your's is the ONLY one I've seen monogramed. And the TV inside is great.
    Congrats on a great project, and thanks for sharing.

  3. Great secretary! Your's is the first one I've seen monogramed and/or repurposed for a flat screen. We have an almost indentical one that my husband uses for his "home office". The Annie Sloan paint just arrived (!!!)and it will be painted Old White. Planning to do a small monogram just under the lock - so I'm glad to see yours first.
    Thanks for sharing!


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